The Diary of Mary Ann Denham

Wootton Bridge 1857 -1859
February 3rd, 1859

Thursday 3rd February 1859

Mother and Julia went into Newport. Julia brought herself a mantle and silk dress.

January 28th, 1859

Thursday 28th January 1859

Mother and I went to Shide.

January 27th, 1859

Wednesday 27th January 1859

Mother returned from Ryde.

January 25th, 1859

Monday 25th January 1859

Mother went to Ryde.

December 29th, 1858

Wednesday 29th December 1858

I and Mother went to Newport. In the evening Mr. W.W.D and Mr. F.L. called in.

December 25th, 1858

Saturday 25th December 1858


Mr. Samuel Flux married to Miss* (name not written down). We are very disappointed having received an invitation to spend the day and sleep at Mr. Dore’s, but it raining very fast and has the appearance of lasting the whole day,- about 3 o’clock we were delighted to see Mr. W. W. D stop in front of Wootton (Villa) in a pony cart – it was raining very hard and mother was rather warily for us to go, but however we did go and spent a very happy evening indeed. We retired to rest about a 1/4 past 2 o’clock.

December 23rd, 1858

Thursday 23rd December 1858

I and Mother went into Newport.

December 20th, 1858

Monday 20th December 1858

We received a note from Ryde this morning stating that Mother was very ill with the influenza, I went to Ryde in the donkey cart and brought her home.

December 12th, 1858

Sunday 12th December 1858

Julia went to Wootton Church. Mother came to see us. In the afternoon W.W. D and F.L. called in. In the evening we went part of the way home with mother.

November 15th, 1858

Monday 15th November 1858

Mother went to Ryde.