The Diary of Mary Ann Denham

Wootton Bridge 1857 -1859

Archive for November, 1858

November 30th, 1858 by Mary Ann

Tuesday 30th November 1858

Appeal day at Newport against the Income Tax. Cousin William drank tea with us.

November 28th, 1858 by Mary Ann

Sunday 28th November 1858

I went to Wootton Church Mr. W. W. D, Mr. T. L. and Mr. R. C drank tea with us. In the evening Mr. R. C went to chapel and Julia went for a walk.

November 27th, 1858 by Mary Ann

Saturday 27th November 1858

Took Daisy in from Beech Lane.*   * Now called Station Road.

November 25th, 1858 by Mary Ann

Thursday 25th November 1858

Mr. Brooks married to Miss Woods.

November 24th, 1858 by Mary Ann

Wednesday 24th November 1858

I went to Newport. Mr. W. W. D put some new strings on our clock. Mr T. L drank tea with us. In the evening had a game of cribbaqe.

November 22nd, 1858 by Mary Ann

Monday 22nd November 1858

I went to Newport. Mrs. J. Moody confined with a daughter. In the evening Mr. G.C. dank tea with us.

November 21st, 1858 by Mary Ann

Sunday 22nd November 1858

Julia went to Wootton Church. In the afternoon I went . Mr. W.L and Mr. F.L. drank tea with us. In the evening Miss B. and Mr. L called in for a few moments chat.

November 20th, 1858 by Mary Ann

Saturday 20th November 1858

I went to Newport.

November 19th, 1858 by Mary Ann

Friday 19th November 1858

Mrs Burt took tenement.

November 18th, 1858 by Mary Ann

Thursday 18th November 1858

Mrs Taylor took tenement.