Miss Mary Ann Denham’s birthday. Twenty one years of age; Grandma gave a very hansome Chinese box, Mother a pair of Toilette Bottles and Julia a embroidery collar of her own working. I spent a very pleasant day, being very much pleased with my presents, only to think of being 21 is it not delightful?
The Diary of Mary Ann Denham
Wootton Bridge 1857 -1859Archive for July, 1857
Newport Regatta Julia and I went to Newport in the afternoon; it was a very agreeable sight after tea as we pleasant walk home where we arrived about 10 o’clock Mr. G. C accompanied us.
Rookley Teaparty. Mother Julia and I went in the donkey gig. It was a most delightful ride to Rookley a very pleasant teaparty, and a beautiful home. In the evening but a slight circumstance occured just before tea, which ruffled Mamas temper very much indeed so that from 3 o’clock till I arrived home and […]
We went to church. In the evening Julia and I went to Chapel, after we came out, Miss. Alford and we went for a walk and met Mrs Alford and Norah returning from Godshill in the fourwheel.
I drove Mrs Flux home to Cowes in the donkey cart.
In the afternoon Julia and I, Mrs Tharle and Miss Dawkins went to a “Gipsy Party” at Woodside. We all enjoyed ourselves very much indeed, Wootton Band played to us whilst we tripped out on the light fantastic toe. At 8 o’clock it came on to rain so that we had very wet journey home.
In the evening I went to Woodhouse and Balhams Farm, Miss Alford hurt her eye much by a piece of needle striking it.
Julia’s birthday* I much better. In the evening Mr G.C called and spent a few hours with us. * Webmasters note: It was Julia’s 17th Birthday.
Mother and Julia went to church. In the afternoon Mr. G. C called to see us.