The Diary of Mary Ann Denham

Wootton Bridge 1857 -1859

Archive for July, 1857

July 30th, 1857 by Mary Ann

Thursday 30th July 1857

Miss Mary Ann Denham’s birthday. Twenty one years of age; Grandma gave a very hansome Chinese box, Mother a pair of Toilette Bottles and Julia a embroidery collar of her own working. I spent a very pleasant day, being very much pleased with my presents, only to think of being 21 is it not delightful?

July 27th, 1857 by Mary Ann

Monday 27th July 1857

Newport Regatta Julia and I went to Newport in the afternoon; it was a very agreeable sight after tea as we pleasant walk home where we arrived about 10 o’clock Mr. G. C accompanied us.

July 20th, 1857 by Mary Ann

Monday 20th July 1857

Rookley Teaparty. Mother Julia and I went in the donkey gig. It was a most delightful ride to Rookley a very pleasant teaparty, and a beautiful home. In the evening but a slight circumstance occured just before tea, which ruffled Mamas temper very much indeed so that from 3 o’clock till I arrived home and […]

July 19th, 1857 by Mary Ann

Sunday 19th July 1857

We went to church. In the evening Julia and I went to Chapel, after we came out, Miss. Alford and we went for a walk and met Mrs Alford and Norah returning from Godshill in the fourwheel.

July 17th, 1857 by Mary Ann

Friday 17th July 1857

I drove Mrs Flux home to Cowes in the donkey cart.

July 16th, 1857 by Mary Ann

Thursday 16th July 1857

In the afternoon Julia and I, Mrs Tharle and Miss Dawkins went to a “Gipsy Party” at Woodside. We all enjoyed ourselves very much indeed, Wootton Band played to us whilst we tripped out on the light fantastic toe. At 8 o’clock it came on to rain so that we had very wet journey home.

July 15th, 1857 by Mary Ann

Wednesday 15th July 1857

In the evening I went to Woodhouse and Balhams Farm, Miss Alford hurt her eye much by a piece of needle striking it.

July 8th, 1857 by Mary Ann

Wednesday 8th July 1857

Julia’s birthday*  I much better. In the evening Mr G.C called and spent a few hours with us. * Webmasters note: It was Julia’s 17th Birthday.

July 5th, 1857 by Mary Ann

Sunday 5th July 1857

Mother and Julia went to church. In the afternoon Mr. G. C called to see us.