Grandma’s birthday, we spent a very happy day.
The Diary of Mary Ann Denham
Wootton Bridge 1857 -1859Archive for March, 1858
I went to Newport.
Palm Sunday, Julia went to Wootton Church. In the afternoon Mr.G.C. and I went to Ryde, we went through Quarr it was a beautiful walk. I drank tea at Uncles about half past 6 o’clock, I went to Cousins William’s. The dear little girls sang very prettily about 8. Mr, Thrower, Cousin and I went […]
I went to Newport. In the afternoon Julia walked into town arrived home about 8 o’clock.
Lady Day.
I did a little gardening. In the afternoon Miss Scot called to see Grandma, Mr.G.C. also called in we spent a very pleasant evening.
We received a letter from Mother who informed us that Mrs Jeffery departed this life last Thursday, she was a great sufferer. In the afternoon I went to Newport. In the evening Julia went for a short walk. The Ryde Sacred Harmonic Concert is held tonight at the Victoria Rooms.
I went to Wootton Church in the morning and afternoon. In the evening Julia went for a walk, Cousin William and Mrs? called to see us. We spent a very pleasant evening.
I went to Newport, bought a Laburnum tree, in the afternoon Julia walked into Newport.